The collection wouldn’t feel complete without another Hobbeson and Chives adventure, and I didn’t want Hot Rot and Moon Dog to hog all the skinny canvases. Luckily, I knew of an extremely psychedelic dimension full of mad shapes and deep wizardry, capable of turning your consciousness inside-out, but the whole thing can be fit into a three foot box.
Hobbeson and Chives: Trapped in the Groovy Box is an exact replica of that dimension, depicted with astonishing accuracy. It’s like the prison of the Phantom Zone, coupled with the mind-expanding powers of Barbarella. You can see that all of Chives’ main senses are expanding: sight, hearing, and mustache!

This is the second appearance of Hobbeson and Chives (crimefighting butlers in love and battle!) after introducing them to the series in Tendril is the Night!