Making Monsters.
For 2008, I decided to try my hand at making a scary costume, and I built the whole idea around something I called the Horror Head. With necrotic skin nailed to a bare skull, a garish smile held in place by hooks, various bloody piercings and crazy eyes, this handsome devil was sure to turn some heads!

Radioactive Ambitions.
This monster was growing like a Deadly Mantis. A horror head this grand would not be served by my own delicate talons, he needed something more. He needed giant monster hands.
Huge, articulated, and reaching up to my elbows, the hands necessitated a garment that was specially cut to accommodate them. That led to a coat with a built-in hunchback and monster spines, and muscles tearing through the shoulder seams.

Tragic Conclusion.
Some time later, the Horror Head sustained a bit of damage. Repair would be possible, but not simple, so the mask was stowed away in the back of our particularly deep storage closet. Which is exactly where it remained, forgotten, when I left Chicago in 2014. I have the coveralls, the coat, the monster belly, and the giant hands… but no Horror Head.