Make it stand out.
2023: The year of the Edible Horrors! It began in January with the Cookie Monster, my first new mask in nearly two years. Almost immediately, I started planning to make companion pieces. Recognizable movie monsters, made out of food, interpreted in paper mache. Edible Horrors.
For this sophomore entry, I chose a classic Frankenstein’s Monster motif, carved from two different flavors of cake, and stitched together with licorice ropes. The shorter name is easier to use in conversation, but his full name is actually “Red Velvet Carrot Cakenstein.”
The Cakenstein project has been an interesting exercise in technique. From the texture of the sliced cake surfaces to the construction of the licorice, the mask presented unique challenges that have been fun to overcome.
A simple bathroom loofah was the key to making the cake texture.
A number of careful passes with that tool - combined with a fairly elaborate paint job - made what could have been pretty cartoonish into something that actually resembles cake. At least a little.