I think about pie a lot.
So making a mask that looks like pie seems, well, inevitable. But it turned out weird as hell, so obviously I wanted to wear it for Halloween in 2017. And if I was going to make a costume to go along with the mask, I needed to figure out who the heck this guy was.
Because when I put it on, it didn’t feel like a character, it felt like a guy wearing a mask. A guy wearing a mask that was made out of blueberry pie. But who would want to do that?
Blueberry Leatherface.
Because then I realized that whoever mutilated this pie, and wore it like a mask, did exactly the same thing that Leatherface does to people in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. That’s who I was! I would become a vision to strike unspeakable, visceral horror into the hearts of blueberry pies:
A purple chef’s coat trimmed in purple leather. A black toque and a black rubber apron. A purple leather bandolier, fitted with pie servers, pastry cutters, pastry brushes, and all manner of terrifying implements of torture. If you’re a pie. And the whole ensemble would be covered in fake blueberries, bits of pie crust, and splattered with purple juice - the obvious result of my latest brutal assault.
This was a great Halloween for a lot of reasons. It was the first time my partner ever dressed up with me. This pie man was a really fun costume to wear. And it was our first time taking top honors in a Halloween costume contest!
Sponsored by Lady Pie Man.