I took a bold stand here! Having already used killer whale imagery several times, it was perhaps strongly suggested that the whale was actually a spaceship. But it was still only a suggestion! Maybe it was a misguided attempt at a disguise, or an alien ship design that just happened to resemble what an earthling knows as a killer whale. Information is scarce, and reports are vague! I have enjoyed being cagey with the details.
Many of the paintings in this series are around sixteen by twenty inches, which is a perfectly fine size for a canvas to be, but I thought it would be better if I managed to scare up a little more variety. So I picked up a few twelve by thirty-six inch canvases, and the first one I painted was Interdimensional High-Five, which was designed to be hung in any direction.
For this one though, I wanted to take full advantage of the vertical height. The escape scenario did just that, but in so doing, it commits pretty hard to the idea that the killer whale is actually a spacecraft. But maybe it’s just a blimp? Or a rigid airship?

Hot Rod, Moon Dog, and the killer whale all appear in the paintings Interdimensional High-Five and Affordable Solutions to Unusual Problems. The whale appears on its own in Landscape with Nothing to See Here.
The ‘chicken chimera’ is similar to, but legally distinct from, the blue monster in Fight Meat Dance Battle Go!