Like the recurring characters of Morihar and Shannon, Hot Rod and Moon Dog were first given life as Halloween costumes created by myself and my partner. They’re both dogs, but something a little more than dogs. Hot Rod is a racecar driver from another world, who was stranded here after breaking the dimensional barrier with the power of his awesome racing. Moon Dog is from another another world, travels by spacecraft, and may have abilities far beyond those of normal human beings.
Besides having a lot of fun making and wearing the costumes, I really like the character designs and welcomed the opportunity to introduce them into this series of paintings. Hot Rod and Moon Dog: Interdimensional High-Five depicts a moment of contact across the fabric of reality that reverberates throughout the multiverse!

Hot Rod and Moon Dog also appear as subjects in the paintings Affordable Solutions to Unusual Problems and Escape from the Chicken Chimera!
The impact of their high-five generates ripples that warp the fabric of reality, and glimpsed within those ripples are the stripey-tentacled Halloween cat decorations introduced in Tendril is the Night. There is another ripple containing multiple killer whales; perhaps they are actual whales, or maybe they’re space ships that look like killer whales. In either case, the whale can also be seen in Landscape with Nothing to See Here, as well as the aforementioned Affordable Solutions and Escape.