Hot Rod & Moon Dog.
In 2018, we created the world’s strangest couples costume. As a deeply committed method actor, I worked out an elaborate backstory for my character.
Hot Rod is a race-car driving dog from another dimension, and one day he broke through the dimensional barrier using the power of his awesome racing! He still has his sweet ride, but its power source burned out in the passage between worlds. Now he’s stranded on Earth, where the local technology isn’t up to the task of repairing his craft. While he waits for a new power source, or a passing alien space ship, he’s teaming up with Moon Dog.
Who, exactly, is Moon Dog? Well, that’s Bill’s business. I made the mask, and he figured out the rest of the costume. But since I knew people would ask what our deal was, I also printed up some business cards intended to confuse them even more.
For the second year in a row, we took home the first prize at a local Halloween costume contest! Having a partner who is willing to dress up and invent weird characters means twice the Halloween fun.